



违背你的意愿被另一个人控制是, 不幸的是, what millions of people in the United States and around the world experience. Whether for sex or labor, human trafficking is recognized as one of the U.S.美国最大和发展最快的犯罪集团. 而人口贩卖是犯罪行为, trafficking victims may also be able to seek justice by filing civil claims.

Victims of sex trafficking may file individual Cases against companies they allege allowed them to be trafficked on company property.

很多人都不知道, some licensed businesses and corporations profit from the illegal work of enslaved laborers. They may also turn a blind eye to forced prostitution taking place on their property. 五颜六色的大米 believes that corporations have a legal responsibility and must actively protect at-risk laborers and trafficking victims. When corporations enable traffickers to violate human rights for illegal gains, 民事法庭系统可以正确地进行干预, 为受害者提供诉诸司法的途径. We represent victims in litigation seeking to hold negligent businesses accountable.


2月. 5, 2020

美国.S. 多地区诉讼司法小组拒绝合并, or establish an MDL of Cases for sex trafficking victims against the hotel industry ruling that the majority of the claims are unique and contain varying details involving different hotel franchises, 业主及雇员, 地理位置, 目击者, 因此不会从合并中受益. 阅读更多.


We understand that victims of human trafficking have a lifetime of recovery ahead and need assistance to regain their lives. 与律师讨论你的权利会有所帮助. If you or a loved one has been the victim of human trafficking, you may have a civil claim. Our attorneys have helped people in a wide range of human rights Cases.

For more information, you may contact one of our human trafficking lawyers at 1.800.768.4026 or 填妥此表格.


  • 农业
  • 护理人员
  • 照顾孩子
  • 建设
  • 国内工作
  • 毒品走私及分销
  • 集市和嘉年华
  • 酒店业(餐厅、酒店)
  • 劳保
  • 按摩店
  • 卖淫
  • 餐厅
  • 沙龙服务
  • 水疗
  • 旅行销售人员


People working in these industries may have also witnessed trafficking activity and despite reports, 活动继续进行. Whistleblowers can be critical to helping ensure corporate wrongdoing ceases. 五颜六色的大米 attorneys work closely with potential whistleblowers to ensure that their rights are protected and that sensitive information is properly handled. Our whistleblower attorneys have represented numerous individuals in a broad range of whistleblower lawsuits, 包括SEC和 , tam Cases. We underst和 fears and challenges associated with blowing the whistle, and are prepared to help. 阅读更多关于澳门皇冠现金手机入口的举报人案例


While human trafficking can be difficult to detect and is largely underreported, thousands of U.S. 公民和外国受害者, 包括男人, 妇女和儿童, are thought to be forced into what is essentially modern-day slavery each year in the U.S.

据报道,人口贩运是净额 美国每年大约有320亿美元.S. 全球1500亿美元 — funding an underground network that lines the pockets of sex and labor traffickers while enslaving millions of innocent victims.

司法部, 国土安全部, and Department of State are the primary agencies that investigate human trafficking on the federal level. 读了 国务院2019年人口贩运报告.

人口贩运是一个全球性的恐怖问题,美国的受害者.S. 是来自世界上几乎所有的地区吗.

据报道,在美国最容易被贩卖的人群.S. 包括:

  • Children in the child welfare, foster care and juvenile justice systems
  • 离家出走和无家可归的年轻人
  • 无人陪伴儿童
  • 美国印第安人和阿拉斯加原住民
  • 民工, including undocumented workers and participants in visa programs for temporary workers
  • 外交家庭的外籍家庭佣工
  • 英语水平有限或文化水平低的人
  • 残疾人士
  • 女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋、变性人和双性人
  • Participants in 449 URUGUAY court-ordered substance use diversion programs


五颜六色的大米 has a wide range of experience representing laborers and victims of human rights violations, 包括受人口贩卖影响的劳工. 例如, 五颜六色的大米 assisted with filing a federal civil complaint against several leaders in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in 2005 for their alleged involvement in the kidnapping, 贩卖人口及 child enslavement of young boys who were forced to work as camel jockeys 忍受恶劣的环境, 包括挨饿来减轻体重, 身体上和性上的虐待, 在危险的比赛中受伤. 而民事诉讼被驳回, the UAE later banned the use of children as camel jockeys and replaced them with lightweight robots controlled by their trainers who ride in vehicles alongside the track. 美国AE also began a two-part program with UNICEF to return trafficked and enslaved children to their home countries and compensate them for injuries they suffered.

五颜六色的大米 attorneys are also familiar with the sensitive nature of 性虐待案件,并获代表 达成保密协议 for victims of childhood sexual abuse at Pinewood Preparatory School, in Charleston, S.C.  五颜六色的大米 lawyers have recently also represented two other Jane Does in sexual assault Cases that resolved through confidential settlements. 其中一起案件涉及乔特罗斯玛丽大厅的虐待指控.

五颜六色的大米 has worked in conjunction with state 律师 General and local governments to collaborate on issues that are of great concern to the public interest. We have the resources and experience needed to go up against some of the nation’s largest corporations on behalf of victims.


莫特利·赖斯的辩护在法庭外继续进行. 澳门皇冠现金手机入口很自豪能够支持南卡罗来纳州的非营利组织 自由之门迪·诺顿儿童权益中心, local advocacy groups that provide a safe haven and access to services for victims of sex trafficking.

五颜六色的大米有限公司, 南卡罗来纳州有限责任公司, is engaged in the New Jersey practice of law through 五颜六色的大米 New Jersey LLC. 埃丝特·别列佐夫斯基负责新泽西业务的律师.


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