
James R. Brauchle


A former U.S. Air Force navigator, Jim Brauchle brings years of flying experience, 领导才能和航空业的知识使他的诉讼工作.

吉姆在针对航空业的案件中代表航空灾难的受害者和侵犯乘客权利的案件. 有超过十年的法庭经验,包括法官和陪审团审判, Jim has handled civil, domestic, 而刑事辩护案件从审前实践贯穿庭审, post-trial motions and appeals. 他不仅与客户和联合律师密切合作,还与飞行员密切合作, 残骸检查和飞行重建等领域的工程师和专家.

Jim had the honor of supporting the firm’s work in Bavis v. United Airlines Corporation et al., 在近十年的合并诉讼中,最后一个解决的航空安全案件, In re September 11 Litigation, 涉及96个家庭中的56个,这些家庭选择退出受害者赔偿基金,以强制追究责任,并得出与9/11恐怖袭击有关的答案. 他是代表五名意大利游客家属的航空团队的重要成员。8月11日,一架旅游直升机和一架小型私人飞机在哈德逊河上空相撞,造成五名意大利游客丧生. 8, 2009. 参与多起小型私人飞机坠毁案件的诉讼, 他还代表了一名飞行员的家属,这名飞行员是一架塞斯纳Citation 550飞机起飞后不久坠入密歇根湖的事故中遇难的六人之一. 他还代表了7月7日遇难乘客的家属, 2013 DeHavilland DHC-3 Otter charter plane crash in Soldotna, Alaska.

作为一名旅客权益的倡导者,吉姆接了一个乘客权益的案子, Amanda Tuxworth v. Delta Air Lines, Inc., to trial and, after a hung jury that was nine to one in his client’s favor, 在重审前的调解中运用他的谈判技巧解决了案件. In another passenger rights case alleging negligence, breach of contract and negligent misrepresentation, Sandie Mallard v. Airtran Airways, Inc., 他在达成一项保密协议中起了核心作用. The U.S. 佛罗里达州南区地方法院裁定他的当事人胜诉 Chris Turner v. Ramo, LLC, 涉及一架国际包机坠毁的案件. This ruling was upheld by the U.S. Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals in February 2012. 吉姆还代表了在2009年大陆航空公司/科尔根航空公司3407航班坠毁事件中失去生命的许多家庭, which took the lives of all 49 passengers and crew, as well as one person on the ground. 

Prior to joining Motley Rice, 吉姆从事了近十年的出庭辩护律师工作,代表在车辆碰撞中受伤或死亡的客户. 他向陪审团提出复杂问题的能力使他在以前的运输案件中发挥了作用.

1991年至2001年,吉姆在美国空军担任领航员. 他是整个空军同时获得C-141特种作战领航员资格的五人之一, flight instructor and examiner, and was often selected to fly high visibility missions, both in the United States and abroad. Additionally, 他被精心挑选,向空中机动司令部的作战主任简要介绍和演示特种作战能力,并代表第437航空队参加1996年RODEO, the United States Air Force’s airlift flying competition. 

Jim is recognized as an AV® rated attorney by Martindale-Hubbell®.


J.D., Rutgers University School of Law, 2001

B.S., Lemoyne College, 1990

Licensed In

  • South Carolina


American Association for Justice

South Carolina Association for Justice


Law360 Transportation Editorial Advisory Board, 2020